Electronic and 3D mechanical capabilities
Surface mount & through hole technology
Cable & Electromechanical assemblies
for various Microcontroller Families
available for Prototyping & Production
Cutting, Engraving & Bending
Retail solutions
Products for the retail sector
Industrial tachometers & control systems
LED signage
Edge lit signs and laser etching
We have a range of electronic assembly equipment. Capabilities include; automated surface mount technology (SMT), hand soldering, automatic wire cutting, crimping and various terminations and connectors. Our in-house laser cut polyester stencil system is ideally suited for short to medium runs. We can also offer higher volume production runs at competitive prices.
Our 150W flat bed Laser cutter engraver is available for engraving and cutting of a multitude of materials including Acrylic and MDF. We also have a variety of plastic forming equipment. We can offer bespoke aperture cutting of standard plastic cases. Large bed size: 1200 x 900mm.
Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
South Wales, UK
+44 (0)1443 730 782
Company Address: Amerena House, Ferndale, UK, CF43 4ST.
Company reg no: 898153
Company VAT no: 135 1662 84